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Dealing with Startup Uncertainty: Founders Live Conversations

Founders Live Conversations are free to join live.

The recording will be available to watch on-demand for Front Row members. Free 14-day trial (no credit card required)!

How do you best deal with the uncertainty of the startup journey?

Author and Leadership Coach Dr. Teri Baydar joins us to take a deep dive into the world of uncertainty, personal and professional leadership, and how to best understand our mind and how to "Flip The Switch."

  • Is this feeling of uncertainty normal?

  • If I were created for greatness, do I just need to discover the right path?

  • What is War Consciousness?

  • What is Love consciousness?

  • How can founders see their challenges and issues in a different light?

  • How do we all best deal with uncertainty and turn it into a strength?

You can ask any related question in this interactive session.

Love Conscious Human

Teri's New Book: Flip Your Switch

Dr. Teri Baydar

By day, Dr. Teri Baydar plays many parts in the lives of those around her. During the decades she has spent coaching high-potential individuals, she has filled the role of mentor, friend, confidante, counselor, healer, educator, the “CEO Whisperer,” and even “my own personal Yoda.” She has earned her Professional Coaching Certification with the International Coaching Federation and is a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach with the Co-Active Training institute.

When she realized her unparalleled method for behavioral change had the ability to change more lives than those of her clients, Dr. Teri felt compelled to put pen to paper and begin her work as an author. She hopes that with every book she publishes, more mindsets will shift from war to love consciousness. Dr. Teri has plans to publish several books to help steer the way we live and do business, with the ultimate goal of improving our world by improving ourselves. Dr. Teri is known for saying, “The world doesn’t need more people, it needs better people.”

Before becoming a part-time author and full-time coach, Dr. Teri worked with a shadow organization concerned with social engineering. This think tank studied the unconscious mind, and Dr. Teri’s participation in it helped guide her unique perspective on and relationship with consciousness.

Dr. Teri earned her MBA with accrued training in authentic leadership, managing complexities, and behavioral economics, and became an all-faith minister. When she finds time between writing, coaching, and teaching meditation, Dr. Teri devotes herself to Love Conscious Human, a one-of-a-kind educational platform designed to elevate your consciousness and raise your state of being. Not everyone has access to Dr. Teri’s one-on-one coaching; therefore, Love Conscious Human was created to make this kind of training available for anyone passionate about participating in crowdsourcing a better future, connecting with like-minded individuals, and evolving to reach the next level. You can find out more about Love Conscious Human at

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October 26

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